Is Great America Now Food Stamp Nation!

Posted by Articles Point on Friday, January 6, 2012

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...One in 15 Americans now officially living in poverty as number receiving food stamps rises 8.1% in a year

How does a country end up 15 trillion dollars in debt?  30 years ago, we were just a little over a trillion dollars in debt.  How in the world do supposedly rational people living in “the greatest nation on earth” allow themselves to commit national financial suicide by allowing government debt to explode like that?

Shocking figures revealed today that one in 15 people in America is now living in poverty.

The number – a record high – is spread widely across metropolitan areas as the country’s economic troubles continue to bite.

Nearly 46 million Americans are now taking food stamps, and the growing numbers advanced at 8.1% over just the past year. Because so many of these are children, I was quite interested in a recent study out just last week from the Bertelsmann Foundation. What brings his words to mind is news that 41.8 million Americans are on foodstamps, and the White House estimates 43 million will soon be getting food stamps every month.

Saucedo, who earns $9.70 an hour for about 26 hours a week and lives with her mother, is one of the many Americans who survive because of government handouts in what has rapidly become a food stamp nation.

A seventh of the nation cannot even feed itself.

For those richest Americans who just received a tax break with the recent budget fight in Congress, and others who are comfortable with plenty of food and money and a roof over their heads, the idea of “food stamps” may sound foreign and even a bit strange.

I think Obama loves poor person, that’s why he’s made so many of them. Too, poor people who depend on the government for their daily bread won’t vote against the government that provides the bread. Government welfare soon becomes an entitlement and people will not willingly give up something they believe is theirs by right. Obama knows this, that’s why he wants to bestow more benefits on more people.

Below is one more example of common man in our country. Here are views of a few citizens of our country.

    * Before the liberal infestation I could spend a month in Florida every winter on my retirement funds.
    * Since the libs “redistribution” of my limited wealth, my insurance has doubled, the value of my home has dropped $100K, my investments have tanked and Florida may as well be the moon.
    * I do consider myself lucky to have been able to take my kids to Disney 4 times growing up, I’m aware that many families will never be able to take their kids there.
    * I retired 11 years ago at 39 when I was injured beyond repair; I’m not as old as I sound icon smile Is Great America Now Food Stamp Nation!
    * I don’t care what the libturds say the numbers speak the truth.
    * Obama is making me poor and he still doesn’t loooove me…
    * This is believed to have been caused due to the housing bust pushing many inner-city poor into suburbs and other outlying places and shriveled jobs and income.

Altogether, there are now almost 46 million people in the United States on food stamps, roughly 15% of the population. That’s an increase of 74% since 2007, just before the financial crisis and a deep recession led to mass job losses.

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