There are two types of website static & Dynamic . For seo static website are more easy to optimize in compare to Dynamic Website which are connected with database. To bring in top static website are easy & can come more easily.
The successful Search engine optimization (SEO) of a dynamic web site requires composite search engine technology and methods that are considerably different and much more complicated than the SEO techniques used for ordinary, more straight "static" web sites.
With the advancement of technology it is yet still not so easy to index the dynamic websites in the major search engines unless it is optimized by a group of experts from a reputed firm.
Now the SEO professional are working on as to how to make the dynamic website visible for all the search engines. There are few techniques through which the dynamic web pages can be indexed and show auto Meta tags with keywords. Another option is to choose the static pages. There are many different ways that converts dynamic URLs to search engine friendly URLs.
The other method is to use paid inclusion of feeds which will increase the visibility and it is guaranteed. The links of the dynamic pages can be listed in the static pages as the search engines can pull up the static websites easily. Since the crawlers cant index the dynamic pages, at least it can display the static page where all the links of the dynamic pages are listed.
You can redirect ulr byserver.transfer(""); function in ASP.Net. This is benificial for when you redirect only one page but if you website hold thousand of pages that time this methold take lot of load. That time you can transfer you page by using custom HTTP module or HTTP handler.Url rewriting in Global.asax uses RewritePath method in Application_BeginRequest event. Implementation could look like this:
void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)sender;
(app.Request.Url.AbsolutePath.StartsWith("")) **{ app.Context.RewritePath("/UnfriendlyPage.aspx?id=423874?);
Dynamic content used to be a red flag for search engine friendly desing, but times have changed. Search Engines now include dynamically-generated pages in their indexes, but some particulars of dynamic pages can still be obstacles to getting indexed.
If you must use dynamic URLs, keep them short and tidy
Avoid dynamic looking URLs if possible for an example
rather than this =237&blk89
The successful Search engine optimization (SEO) of a dynamic web site requires composite search engine technology and methods that are considerably different and much more complicated than the SEO techniques used for ordinary, more straight "static" web sites.
With the advancement of technology it is yet still not so easy to index the dynamic websites in the major search engines unless it is optimized by a group of experts from a reputed firm.
Now the SEO professional are working on as to how to make the dynamic website visible for all the search engines. There are few techniques through which the dynamic web pages can be indexed and show auto Meta tags with keywords. Another option is to choose the static pages. There are many different ways that converts dynamic URLs to search engine friendly URLs.
The other method is to use paid inclusion of feeds which will increase the visibility and it is guaranteed. The links of the dynamic pages can be listed in the static pages as the search engines can pull up the static websites easily. Since the crawlers cant index the dynamic pages, at least it can display the static page where all the links of the dynamic pages are listed.
You can redirect ulr byserver.transfer(""); function in ASP.Net. This is benificial for when you redirect only one page but if you website hold thousand of pages that time this methold take lot of load. That time you can transfer you page by using custom HTTP module or HTTP handler.Url rewriting in Global.asax uses RewritePath method in Application_BeginRequest event. Implementation could look like this:
void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)sender;
(app.Request.Url.AbsolutePath.StartsWith("")) **{ app.Context.RewritePath("/UnfriendlyPage.aspx?id=423874?);
Dynamic content used to be a red flag for search engine friendly desing, but times have changed. Search Engines now include dynamically-generated pages in their indexes, but some particulars of dynamic pages can still be obstacles to getting indexed.
If you must use dynamic URLs, keep them short and tidy
Avoid dynamic looking URLs if possible for an example
rather than this =237&blk89
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