How Do I Get Out Of Debt In 3 Easy Steps

Posted by Articles Point on Monday, September 3, 2012

Let me ask a few questions here ...

Do you worry about your mounting credit card bills?
Do you have the minimum payment on your credit card?
Do you use new credit to pay the old loan?
Do you get sleepless nights wondering how you can pay existing debts?

If your answer is "yes" to even one of these questions, you should seriously look into getting out of your current debt situation.

There are three steps to debt relief:

1st Do not start a new debt

The reason why people can not get out of debt is simply because they keep adding to it. Stop funding beyond the use of credit immediately, especially using credit cards to buy things that you can barely afford. Never buy anything that you do not have available funds in your bank account to pay for it. Credit cards are the worst form of credit available. With 14% to 24% annual interest on credit cards, it's not hard to understand why people who have accumulated large debts with their credit cards seem so hard to pay outstanding balances. Do not give your credit card along when you go, if you can not control credit card use. Savvy credit card users carry their cards in not having too much money for convenience. However, they avoid large balance of payments of interest, all of every month.

2nd Create an emergency fund

Some may ask: "Why save up before I even pay off my debt?" The logical answer is, if you do not want to save for emergencies, you will not be able to cope with unforeseen expenses can strike at any. Do not use your credit card for emergency reasons I explained earlier version. It is wiser to save money for emergencies instead of the time. Open a savings account solely for the emergency fund. Keep this money liquid, but not tie your emergency fund account debit card. Ensure that these accounts are not easily accessible, because people tend to be easily tempted to spend the money as savings to grow. Do not sabotage your efforts to save the cost of money for emergency fund account at the outcome (for example, wine, restaurant meals, LV handbags iPad or later). It would be best if you can ask your bank to automatically transfer money from your easy earned income in your emergency fund account each month.

I know this may seem impossible mission, especially so if you are currently mired in debt. But trust me, you can do it! We recommend that the building 6 to 8 months' worth of living expenses as your emergency fund. When this amount is to make the jump to the next step clear outstanding debts.

3rd Put into action the debt snowball

Depending on how big your debt is the last step could take months or even years. Most financial advisors advise that the debt must be paid the highest interest rates the lowest interest rate. While this may sound logical, mathematically, using the debt snowball method to eliminate the debt makes more sense from the psychological point of view. Your mood will be much greater when you see your debts cleared in one process.

Snowball debt consists of the following steps:

1) List down your debts from lowest balance of the highest balance.
2) For the minimum payment on all debts, except for one with the lowest balance.
3) all you can afford to pay the debt with the lowest balance.
4) If the lowest balance debt is gone, the same amount of debt used to balance minority.
5) Repeat step 4 until all debts are cleared.

There are other steps that could be implemented, and you're trying to improve its cash position. Focusing on the basic formula for wealth creation, which you need to spend less than what you earn. See what you can do to increase your revenue and reduce unnecessary costs at the same time. To distinguish between "needs" and "wants" and then proceed to reduce the costs attributed to your "wants."

How do I get out of debt is a step-by-step process. Exercise discipline and take one step at a time (no matter how small that step is the beginning) and you end up there. Most importantly, do not delay and start the process of debt relief now!

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