Stamp Duty Mitigation At Its Best!

Posted by Articles Point on Sunday, August 19, 2012

The UK SDLT rates are progressive and increase with the rise in value where the lowest payable rate is at 1% and the highest rate extending to 5% for higher value properties. SDLT mitigation expenses can now be easily cancelled out by the benefits/tax savings if clients choose to avoid stamp duty in high value purchases using tax planning.

Thus stamp duty mitigation procedures become appealing for valuable house purchases mainly over two hundred and fifty pounds in the United Kingdom. The rates of SDLT will vary outside the UK. For now first time buyers are exempted from the 1% rate up to purchases worth two hundred and fifty thousand for residential property.

UK law as with the legislation of almost all countries is rarely black and white. So there are often grey areas where it becomes possible to interpret the law in a way that will be advantageous financially without crossing the line of what constitutes unacceptable. There are a number of specialist law firms now operating in UK who have, based on advice of highly qualified barristers, identified, for want of a better phrase, a stamp duty loophole that will mean that buyers can mitigate stamp duty payable to HMRC. These processes of avoiding stamp duty are usually known as stamp duty mitigation and should not be considered as tax evasion – just as someone buying an eco friendly car for example is able to avoid road tax or VAT. offers buyers the opportunity to talk to a range of stamp duty mitigation providers so that in fact in most cases clients can avoid stamp duty above a quarter of a million pounds. will only recommend very experienced providers of stamp duty mitigation where insurance is available to repay the legal fees in the event of a successful challenge from the tax office. The good news is that stamp duty tax planning has been around for a very long time now and the stamp duty loophole recommended and implemented by the SDLT partners has not been successfully challenged. Although now on offer to almost anyone buying above 250,000 pounds, stamp duty tax, planning was originally conceived to assist high net worth individuals and UK companies buying at over 1 million pounds to more profitably buy land or property.

It’s amazing that for some tax planners who assist clients to avoid stamp duty, the fees charged are not payable until the transaction of acquiring the asset is finalized. The majority of buyers are offered remarkable savings in the overall stamp duty costs. The fact that the stamp duty mitigation practices recommended are guided by outstanding and well experienced personnel makes the stamp duty loophole desirable to exploit. The competence and the competitiveness of the personnel in any field will always be reflected in the service delivery and the same case applies to the stamp duty mitigation processes; never settle for second best.

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