What It Takes To Lower Your Interest Rate

Posted by Articles Point on Monday, September 3, 2012

It is no secret that aside from the annual fee, the way banks make cash from credit cards are the annual percentage rates on the accounts. The lower the annual percentage rate on a credit card, the more cash a consumer will pay to borrow cash using that credit card account. This leads thousands of consumers into wanting to lower their annual percentage rates. Thinking that banks are big bully corporations, people often hire debt consolidation companies. These debt consolidation programs tend to have an adverse affect on consumer credit scores. But what if there was a way to reduce credit card interest rates without actually harming credit ratings or hiring a debt consolidation company. Well, the good news is there is!

The big issue with the general thought about banks is that consumers think banks are bullies that are not willing to help Americans. Although, I love to agree with consumers, I have to say that this is not at all the case. As a matter of fact, this couldn't be further from the truth. Although most banks are large corporations that do follow a corporate ladder, they're also much like a mom and pop store at the end of a busy block. Without the people buying into the products that banks have to offer, the banks would have no reason to be around. This is what makes banks willing to work with Americans and in most cases all it really takes is a telephone call!

Most major banks have special departments that are there specifically to retain upset customers. Now, I'm not advising anyone to call the bank that issues their credit card and go off on a tangent at all. The best way to negotiate with banks is politely tell them the honest way that you feel. However, before you get started, it is best to get prepared.

Preparation is simple. First, consumers should get all of their credit card account statements into a pile and grab a pen and paper. Make of list of the credit cards from highest APR to lowest. The list should include the credit card account account number, interest rate and customer service phone number. Once people have this list compiled, it is time to go on to the next step.

At the top of the list, people should call the bank that issues the credit card that they carry with the highest interest rate. When the call is first made, in most cases, Americans will have to navigate through the automated system to get to a live representative. Once on the phone with the live representative, consumers should say something to the effect of “Hi, I was looking over my credit card account statements and noticed that this account has the highest interest rate by far, I love your bank and the rewards offered with this credit card account but, I just can't see paying this APR with so many other options. Is there anything you can do to help me with this?”.

At this point, the customer service representative will place the consumer on hold. When the customer service representative comes back they will have one of the following answers:

Answer 1: Congratulations, your account qualifies for a lower APR, it will be ___ and I will go ahead and activate that now!

Answer 2: Unfortunately, your account does not qualify for a lower annual percentage rate because ______. (In most cases it is because of past late payments)

Answer 3: Unfortunately, this is not my department, let me get you to someone who can help you with that.

If you get answer 1, thank the representative and end the call. If you get answer 2, thank the representative, end the call and start working on ways to fix whatever defaults may have been explained to you on your account. If you get answer number 3, follow all the same instructions with each new representative until you get answer 1 or 2.
More aboutWhat It Takes To Lower Your Interest Rate

Debt Settlement Programs In America

Posted by Articles Point on Sunday, September 2, 2012

In America many consumers are harassed to compensate their bills. The problem is vey severe in credit card debt, medical bills or any other type of debts they can’t pay simply. Some consumers can also have combination of these three problems. A proper and good debt settlement program is much needed for them. Debt settlement is the safest and legal way to get rid of debt quickly for the consumers, particularly if they are working with a flourishing supplier of services.
Some people think that paying pennies to get rid from debt is a quicker and easy way. This process sounds very good to them. But, actually it is much better for the consumers if they follow any debt settlement program. The benefits of debt settlement are very much straightforward. The companies who are related with debt settlement can approximately decrease the debt by 50%. The reason behind this decrease is that professional negotiators of settlement companies negotiate with the lenders on behalf of the consumers.  Consumer’s monthly payment will be reduced according to this strategy and the programs do not last more than 12-36 months. Once you have adopted debt settlement programs, creditors have no chance to make you harassed. They can only contact with the company of debt settlement. The professionals of debt settlement will represent you to the creditors.
The reason behind the working of debt settlement program is that, creditors who are in a situation of getting very less or nothing from any consumer who is extremely in debt. The lenders can get percentage of their getable money as a mechanism of recovery. As, professionals negotiate the settlement of debt, company can easily optimize the strategy of settlement over the total portfolio of the consumer’s creditors and make the perfect timing to offer for debt settlements.
Though debt settlement programs can spoil the credit score of a consumer for a short time period, the programs help him to pass up bankruptcy. So, it will be a better option for him for long term. After the end of the settlement, consumer’s account is resolved and report of credit is updated. A good debt settlement program helps consumers to settle their debts within 1 to 3 years.
The total process of debt settlement includes deposit of fixed amount of money to the company. Then, creditors will be paid from that money. After the payment of total debt your account will be automatically closed. You can easily get the facility of paying business debts, credit card debts, medical debts, shopping carts, auto repos, personal loans, unsecured lines of credit, utility bills etc. Total process will be negotiated by the professionals. There are also affiliate training programs by which the debt can be reduced. The professionals convince the creditors that receiving something is better than receiving nothing. Creditors are also made satisfied by the professionals.
Many consumers face a common problem is that, they contact any settlement company after getting deeply in debt. So, they search for a quick and very much effective solution for them. So, it will best for the consumers to search for the best debt settlement company with a successful records of their work. A better debt settlement company not only solves their current problems of debt but also suggest them to avoid such financial conditions. So, once a consumer is debt free he always remains debt free by the help of the settlement companies. Debtcare USA  is a great firm where you can get all the facilities of debt settlement programs, living in America.
More aboutDebt Settlement Programs In America

How To Become Debt Free

Posted by Articles Point

Day by day, inflation is increasing and the financial conditions of the people in declining, resulting the economy of the country to face worse conditions. This matter now cannot be handled without the intervention of the government. The economic recession has led to an increase in the number of people who are struggling with debts as well as the ability to provide not only for themselves but also for their families and other dependants. For those in need, there are federal grants which can serve as alternatives to the usual debt consolidation programs. Keep reading to find out how government grants can help you become debt free. In these situations, many of the people go to the court and file for bankruptcy because they cannot tolerate the harassing calls of the creditors. Bankruptcy is a process in which an individual goes to the court and claims that he has no resources to pay the amount of the debts which he has taken from the creditor.

As the world’s economy slowly recovers, consumers should take comfort in the fact that there are a lot government and private aid available for them to take advantage of in order to successfully negotiate their debt relief problems. Just as the National debt is putting real drag on the American economy your personal debt is siphoning off money you could be using to improve your situation, enjoy life more, and save for the future. Of course, it’s hard to live entirely without debt. To buy a home these days you almost always need some kind of mortgage, this is true — few people can afford a house outright, especially at the beginning of their careers and families. But you don’t have to be in debt for the rest of your life.

Debt relief is a serious problem for most Americans. We live in a society where everyone wants the coolest gadgets, a nice car and a nicer house. There’s nothing wrong with that. The truth is credit is actually very easy to rebuild once you got rid of your debt. I have personally seen credit scores jump over 100 points a few months after a debt settlement plan is complete. Debt free living is something the credit card companies don’t want you to even consider. There are various factors that one employs to become debt free with debt relief government grants. The very first step entails seeking an opportunity to further his/her education. Enrollment in higher education levels puts one at a strategic position to benefit from debt relief grant. These government grants are FREE! There are no fees associated with the grants. This is much better than the alternative, which are usually just loans which you need to pay back, but you will just get a lower interest rate for a short time period to help pay down your principle.

Find out today if you are eligible for this debt relief grant. Remember that the government does not want to see you struggle because it is not in their best interest, so they will help you find assistance when you are in need. You can also resuming our three steps to become debt free:

    * Get all your expenses into an excel spreadsheet and add them all up. First add up the monthly payments, and then on a separate sheet, add up the total amounts of each debt. How much is required to pay them all off?
    * Pay down and hopefully eliminate debt. Personal debt can unwittingly trap families into a regrettable matrix. Increased personal freedom is the intangible value of getting off the hamster wheel forever.
    * If you have over $10,000 in unsecured debt it may be a wise financial decision to consider a debt settlement. Due to the recession and overwhelming amount of people in debt, creditors are having no choice but to agree to debt settlement deals.
More aboutHow To Become Debt Free

What Are The Chances Of Being Sued For A Delinquent Account?

Posted by Articles Point


I have always been current on my accounts. However, things changed after I lost my job in October 2010. I have not been able to make payments on the Amex card and the Chase card since then. I planned to pay off my debts after securing a job. I told the same thing to my creditors too. However, the creditors refused to believe me. They have sent the accounts to a third party collection agency. I have heard that the collectors are quite aggressive people. Will they file a lawsuit against me? What are the chances of being sued? I am pretty scared. I live in Los Angeles and owe around $45,000 on the cards. My current credit score is around 525. Thanks for any information.


Your chances of getting sued are quite high. The collectors are not patient people. They want their money by any means. They will try various methods to collect the money. The collectors will file a lawsuit against you when they lose hope of collecting money from you.

The debt collectors will calculate the total owed money prior to filing lawsuit against you. They will assess their chances of getting the money by suing you. Lawsuits are expensive and so the collectors would not like to waste any money if there is no chance of retrieving money.

The debt collectors will evaluate your income and assets. They will check whether or not you have a house or a vehicle. They will also try to know if you have available funds in your checking account.

If you have some funds in the checking account or have some equity in your home, then the collectors will definitely file a lawsuit against you. They will try their best to secure a judgment against you. Once the collectors win judgment, they will garnish your checking account or put a lien on your home.

You'll also have to think about your credit score apart from the lawsuits. Your credit score is already in a bad state right now. Your score will drop further if you don't make any payments on the cards. This implies that you'll face tremendous problems in getting a new loan or future. Moreover, you may not even get a job in spite of having good working experience and high qualification.  

I would suggest you to assess your financial situation first. Evaluate how much you have to pay on each account. Then, make a list of your assets and calculate the available funds in your account. Find out if you can repay the debts with budgeting. If not, then you'll have to get a job as early as possible. It will not be possible for you to get of this mess without any income.

You should contact the collection agency and explain your situation to them. Explain to them that you are trying your best to get a job. Try to negotiate an alternative payment plan with them.

If the collectors demand full payment, then you can take advantage of Los Angeles debt settlement to clear your dues. However, you should consider debt settlement as your last option. This is because settlement will drop your score further.

Finally, if you are not able to secure a job or qualify for debt settlement, then you can file bankruptcy. This debt relief option will help you repay your debts and avoid lawsuits.
More aboutWhat Are The Chances Of Being Sued For A Delinquent Account?

Tips To Get Personal Loan With Bad Credit

Posted by Articles Point

Bad credit private loan always appeared to be a difficult job to achieve. Personal loans are often very useful for paying off debt, paying for holidays or some unexpected expectations etc.  However, it can be really tough to get loan with bad credit.
A lot of the private loans nowadays are signature loans - these loans are backed by the signature of the borrower and a promise to repay the identical inside a stipulated period of time. In case you are having a bad credit, your signature on the contract would not be good enough for the financial institution for lending you money the following time. Unsecured bad credit loans are no longer appreciated by banks, and therefore, folks ought to seek better ways of repaying the amount.
Nonetheless, there are various methods of getting personal loans regardless of having bad credit as well. Some of the loan providers have eased the process of lending and borrowing for such folks with unsecured bad credit loans in order that they can even have a better and improved life.
As a way to get bad credit personal loan, it's essential to find collateral that can be utilized for getting a loan. Collateral is principally one thing that will be seized by the bank in an occasion of you, the borrower, failing to repay the non-public loan. In many of the circumstances, some people use their automobile, valuables and even their properties as collateral for getting personal loan with bad credit.
Folks usually use electronics, jewelries and musical devices as collateral as well. However, the quantity of loan taken will determine the form of collateral you may use.
Having a history of bad credit means you would have to bear its consequences. You would be charged with greater fee of interest for bad credit loan. You could work together with the banker and get all the required details about the private loan and other options that involve the interest rate.
You would have to pay far more than a regular candidate for your bad credit record.  Additionally, you'd also have to produce more documents than common that may be a proof of your income and all of your assets. It is going to assist in getting the loan approved.

Co-signature is commonly required for obtaining personal loan with bad credit. If there are any members within the family who want to stand by you throughout your wet days, you can search help.
You'll be able to have a co-signer who has a good credit score file and also verifiable earnings as probably the greatest technique of getting personal loans despite having bad credit. You would need to be sure that the person who can be co-signing with you has been listed on private loans and has had a very neat and clean credit score record.
This can solely aid you to get the loan you're seeking at that time of time.
Acquiring bad credit personal loan is no longer difficult as of late; however, the one hurdle is to have all your paperwork in place and collateral to help you.
More aboutTips To Get Personal Loan With Bad Credit

Avoid Losing Out On What Is Rightfully Due When You Sign Up With A Debt Collection Agency

Posted by Articles Point

Debt collection services exists for a very valid reason. When a consumer fails to honor the stipulations of his credit or loan agreement, businesses have to make use of numerous methods to collect what is rightfully due them. One effective way of accomplishing this is simply by talking to a debt collection agency with a lot of experience carrying out this kind of work.

There are a variety of strategies a debt collection agency will employ. This process starts once the lender or creditor sends the client reminders that payments are late. When the customer repeatedly ignores the reminder, the company's next move is usually to look at a firm offering debt collection services. Inside the most serious of situations, an agency will often make use of a lawyer who specializes in recovering debt. What happens at this point is a formal lawsuit may be passed, allowing the court to acquire on behalf of the company.

For the most part, debt collection services do not want to make your life difficult. They'll begin by attempting to contact you, identifying the reasons why you are unable to pay, and figuring out acceptable terms that you can manage to bring things up to speed. Should any of these efforts fall short, the provider may call the whole current debt due, while closing your credit account from further use.

Around this critical point, the lending company may grant you with a specific timeframe to pay back your account. In case you continue to ignore this, a lender is likely to hire the assistance of a debt collection agency, with the objective of taking back all or a portion of the outstanding balance you owe them.

When debt collection services are unable to secure payment on behalf the client, the lender may choose to enforce current collection laws as a way of getting the court pass an honest judgment against you.

If the lawsuit is definitely a success, the judge may order a debt collection agency to start getting back what is due by means of a wage deduction, or seizing and selling off assets that you own. This is seen as a way of settling the debt. Generally, lenders and creditors see this as a final option, since time and effort needed to do something of such a magnitude can be significant. In fact, this might exceed the amount of debt you owe.

Understand that debt collection services should conduct themselves in compliance with laws regarding debt collection. These are in place with regards to the jurisdiction identified within the contract's terms and provisions.  Both the debtor and lender established these at the time the business relationship was consummated.

Basically, if a debt collection agency uses methods not considered legal, they may be found guilty of harassment and be subject to government-imposed fines and possible litigation initiated by the debtor.

Since debt collection laws differ from one country to another, with differences between credit card debt collection and other forms, having a attorney at law well-versed on these laws is critical.
More aboutAvoid Losing Out On What Is Rightfully Due When You Sign Up With A Debt Collection Agency

Find Out What Credit Cards Will Meet Your Needs

Posted by Articles Point

Let's face it, it's difficult for people to get by these days without a credit card in their wallet or purse. This leads thousands of new Americans looking for new credit card accounts. However, on their search, they find so many offers that they just want to know, what is the best credit card account? Sadly, there is no one size fits all answer to this type of question. This is because each individual consumer has their own individual needs. However, there are a few tips I can give to help people choose which card is best for them themselves.

The first thing that consumers should do before applying for a new credit card account is take a good difficult look at their credit report. A credit report is a report that follows Americans wherever they go and help banks gauge the risk of loaning cash to Americans. This is a extremely important step because each different credit card is designed for consumers of a certain risk level. The higher the risk to the bank, the lower rewards and higher fees associated with the credit card.

Once Americans know their credit rating and if it is bad, fair, good or excellent, it's time to start looking at the different types of credit card accounts for that specific credit rating. With bad or no credit, Americans will generally need to go with a secured credit card. Secured credit card accounts work just like unsecured credit cards. The difference between the two is that a consumer will have to place a security deposit with the bank before using a secured credit card. This security deposit will alleviate any risk to the banks to loaning Americans with bad credit money through a credit card.

Consumers with fair credit have a bit more options. Fair credit credit card accounts are the first level of unsecured credit card accounts. These accounts tend to have higher annual percentage rates however, people will not need to place a security deposit with the bank before using these cards. In some cases fair credit credit card accounts will even come with rewards programs. However, when it comes to fair credit credit card accounts, rewards programs are usually outweighed by the higher annual percentage rates that Americans pay on fair credit rewards credit card accounts so this should not be the basis of deciding to choose a specific credit card account.

Consumers with good credit have even more options when it comes to looking for a new credit card. Good credit credit card accounts tend to have lower APRs, lower annual fees and more rewards and abilities. Once people get to the point where they have good credit, lower annual percentage rates and annual fees should be the basis of the decision for choosing a credit card. However, the rewards programs on good credit credit cards tend to be of better quality than those programs with fair credit credit cards and much less expensive in the long run. Therefore, rewards should play a small part in choosing a good credit credit card account!

Finally, people with excellent credit have all of the options in the world when it comes to looking for a new credit card account. This is because people with excellent credit pose a very low risk to banks. This means that Americans with excellent credit will be able to enjoy the lowest interest rates and best rewards. When it comes to excellent credit credit cards, the APRs generally are about the same. The main basis for deciding which credit card will be best when people have excellent credit should revolve around the rewards and benefits of having the credit card.

I hope this helps in your search for a new credit card account!
More aboutFind Out What Credit Cards Will Meet Your Needs