Find Unclaimed Money The Easy Way

Posted by Articles Point on Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Unclaimed money has become a recent phenomenon, and burden, discovered by the federal and state governments. This money has increased greatly over time, with not enough of the pubic aware of its existence. Currently, the federal and state governments are housing over $40 billion in the form of unclaimed money and unclaimed property.

Unclaimed money or property can exist in many different types. The term “unclaimed money” does not necessarily mean simply cash. Here are certain examples of unclaimed money forms:

  • Traveler's Checks

  • Gift certificates

  • Royalty payments

  • Checking and savings accounts

  • Safe deposit boxes

  • Undistributed wages

  • Life insurance policy proceeds

  • Stock certificates or accounts, bonds, mutual fund accounts

As per the state laws, the financial institutions, like banks, have to report those properties or assets that have been lying idle for more than a year, or any time that has been specified by the state itself. The properties must be inactive and the owner details must be unknown so that the properties can be declared as unclaimed after which they are handed over to the state.

It is because of the alarming growth of unclaimed assets in different regions that the state and federal agencies, who are managing these funds, are in great trouble. The state authorities are trying their very best to create a simple and robust platform for the people so that they get motivated and come in large numbers to claim what they think is theirs. It is because of the state’s continuous efforts that the unclaimed money search is easy for everyone now.

Free unclaimed money searches were a secret that was known to very few people, but with time and advent of internet, people are becoming aware of the benefits their lost money can bring them. It is because of the dedicated databases maintained by the state that people are getting filtered and error free information within a single click of their mouse. The state believe that despite of the application process made simpler with time, it is because of the lack of knowledge among people regarding unclaimed property that has created low return rates.

The first step in searching property is to identify the area of residence a the time of loss of property or abandonment. It after finalizing the area of residence, the actual application process can begin. Most of the states maintain a dedicated website where you can search for property. This database is updated by the states on a regular basis so that you can find the latest information with ease.

To improve search effectiveness, the best thing to do will be to list down all the states you resided or worked in until the current date. This will include writing down the website and contact details of the financial controller of the state. The best website to find all the required information is the official website of NAUPA, which is also known by the name of National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrator's. By entering your first and last name, the search process can be initiated and after getting the result, you have to match all the details against your name.

After searching, you have to fill the online claim form, which is very simple to fill with your personal details. Certain documents are also mentioned on the site that the claimant has to produce before the state agency to prove his identity to the state. By following these steps, you will be well on your way to finding all of your unclaimed money.
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Bad Credit Home Loan For People With Poor Credit History

Posted by Articles Point

When you apply for a loan, the first thing that concerns the lender is your credit history. The credit history records and maintains every detail of your financial transactions including delayed payments or bankruptcy which can be barriers for you to become eligible for a bank loan. The only option that you can choose in this situation is going for a bad credit loan.

This type of loans is made for people with bad credit history. So if your credit history contains default on payments of previous loans, entries on bankruptcy or country court judgments, you will be considered as a borrower with bad credit. The loans are generally granted with high interest rate.

Bad credit home loans have become a good option for people with dream of building new house but have bad credit history. With this loan you can also get rid of the tax benefit that comes along with home ownership. So instead of buying built property those with bad credit can opt for construction. These loans are available for commercial purposes also. Even some construction companies offer loans if the construction work is done by them.

However, not only for housing purpose, bad credit loans are designed for students also who aspire higher education or willing to peruse their studies abroad.

Some important factors about bad credit loans:

If the borrower recently went through divorce, relocation, there is a possibility that the lender will consider your financial situation and grant you the loan.

 Different types of loans are available in the market for people with bad credit. Lenders can suggest which will be suitable for the particular borrower.

 When a loan is granted, either higher interest rate will be attached to it or the borrower will be asked to provide additional security to the loan.

However the interest rates for the loan depend on three factors. They are

   a.The amount of the loan applied for

   b.The presence of collateral

   c.Present income of the borrower

However there are certain things to keep in mind in case of going for a bad credit home loan. They are:

 The value of the property. The lender sends out a valuator to the property after checking whether the value of the house is equivalent to the loan balance.

The second thing that must be kept in mind is the possible deposit. The borrower has to finance the share of the loan remaining after the deposit. In case of bad credit home loans, as the borrower is permitted to finance only a particular sum of money, the deposit becomes essential.

 Another thing most important is the rate of interest. The interest rate for a poor credit home loan is greater than secured bank home loans.

If you have a handsome bank balance you can go for a larger deposit and comparatively lower interest rate but if your bank balance is not enough and you cannot make a good deposit the interest rate will be raised automatically.
More aboutBad Credit Home Loan For People With Poor Credit History

Finding Unclaimed Money Is Easier Than Ever

Posted by Articles Point

Large piles of unclaimed money are lying with the U.S. Government with owners missing. Despite the fact that this money belongs to someone, it is difficult for the real owners to reach it. With the growing pressure of many lost money owners, the government was forced to take the matter more seriously. This led to a transformation in the whole process and government brought in much more management and authentication in it.

As per the current status of unclaimed funds, there has been many ways and procedures being launched by the government to make the process simpler and effective. These procedures are simplified to the extent where general public can understand and use them. The U.S. Government is also making efforts by sorting out available data and information related to unclaimed money, and making it available on the state and federal government websites. Through the involvement of Internet, the whole procedure has been made much faster and uncomplicated.

Owners looking for their unclaimed assets can simply log on to these websites and enter their personal information to know if any unclaimed money is lying with the government in their names. In most cases, the unclaimed search database available on these sites has name-based entries. In such a case, you can simply start off your search by entering your first and the last name.

Many times, the information on these sites are not very specific and not properly sorted out, due to lack of correct information, so entering a few names might not provide you desired results. To make sure that any of your unclaimed money reaches the right hands, you can implement few of search tips.

To work upon logical terms, make sure that you list every state where you had lived or worked. Instead of searching on federal government’s website, try to locate your unclaimed funds through the website of your state comptroller. One of the choices in this case can be the website of NAUPA that is National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrator. On this website you can check your funds as per your residence as NAUPA provides links to individual databases of all the unclaimed assets in the 50 U.S. states.

Aside from searching name-wise or residence-wise, one can also find isolated funds or assets through treasury hunt on Google. For this you can visit the Treasury Department’s Savings Bonds Website to reach its treasury hunt page. Here search is carried out through your social security number. This process of finding unclaimed funds takes only a few minutes.
More aboutFinding Unclaimed Money Is Easier Than Ever

Cancel Credit Cards Very Carefully

Posted by Articles Point

With all the controversy surrounding consumers dependence on credit, it's only natural to think that you'd be better off with fewer cards weighing down your wallet.

Not so fast. Many people rush to streamline their wallets, thinking that fewer cards will make them look better to lenders. Often, the exact opposite is true: Canceling credit cards can actually hurt your credit score more than it will help.

Before you dash off Dear John letters to your lenders, learn the truth about canceling credit cards.

Four reasons to keep your cards in your wallet
If you're like the average card carrying U.S. citizen, you have about eight credit cards in your wallet, and probably only a few of them are regularly in play. It's tempting to do a major spring cleaning and dump all of the dusty cards from your wallet at once. However, cutting off too many lines of credit at once can give the wrong impression on your credit score. But bear in mind.

Closing accounts will not undo anything
Once a credit card is in play, there's no denying its existence. It's on your permanent record your credit report for at least seven years. Yes, even if you cancel the card the next day. Same goes for any red marks associated with your accounts, such as late payments, charge offs, and overspending. Sorry. You simply can't deny your past. But at least it will fade away most negative entries will fall off your report in seven years. However, you might not want some entries to disappear.

Why deny the good?
Removing old closed accounts that have no negative items is a bad idea, because you benefit from a long credit history, and those accounts speak to that history. Good entries can remain on your report forever. Remember, 15 percent of your credit score is determined by how long you've been borrowing.

Closing accounts might hurt your FICO score
Lenders take a hard look at the ratio between the balances on your revolving accounts and your total available credit. If you do have debt, try to keep it to less than 30 percent of your available credit. The ideal number here is, of course, 0 percent Go ahead and keep those lines of credit open, but don't be tempted by untouched lines. When you close out open accounts, those credit lines are no longer factored into your ratio. Thus, your debt as a percentage of available credit will increase. Ouch.

Why cancel cards at all
It may sound as though the lending industry loves customers who have gobs of plastic, but as with most things in life, it's best not to binge. According to Fair Isaac, once you acquire more than seven revolving debt accounts, your FICO credit score begins to suffer a little. And although simply closing accounts won't necessarily have an immediate positive effect, over time it could boost your credit score. So let's see whether it's time to break up with some of your banks.

Keep the oldies ...
Remember, commitment counts, and lenders see long-held accounts as proof that you're the responsible citizen we know you are. So, if it's a choice between parting ways with that dashing new sliver of plastic in your wallet, or the faded alumni credit card you got when you still had hair, keep the latter.

and the goodies
If you get points, miles, cash back, or good karma from using a credit card, and this is important -- you actually take advantage of the goodies that come with membership, keep the card in play. It's good to know, however, that credit cards with rewards programs are pretty common. So if the card carries an annual fee, call and ask whether it can be waived. If you don't get back what you pay annually to use it, consider canceling.

Dump the flighty ones
Just because your credit boasted a single-digit interest rate when you got it doesn't mean it will do so indefinitely. Nothing's uglier than paying for a new transmission at a 23.9 percent interest rate. When it comes to credit cards with ever shifting rules and rates, you have to keep an eagle eye focused on all of the leaflets you get in the mail. If you're not the type to keep your eye on the dealer, this type of card may be a lot more trouble than it's worth to keep in play.

Keep the ones that stood by you in bad times
If debt was a problem in the past, and may become one in the future, keep open the accounts with which you have a decent track record meaning no, or at least few, bloopers, like late payments or overages and a long-standing relationship. If the low-interest offers dry up, your room for negotiating a better deal is best with a lender that has fond long-term memories of your time together.

Hold on to your single days
If you're married, don't give up your identity entirely. Simply being an authorized user on your sweetheart's credit cards won't help you establish credit or keep your reputation intact. You must keep at least one line of credit from your single days open and active, and in your name only. If you don't occasionally use the card, your file will go dormant and become unscoreable.

Know when to hold em, know when to fold 'em
Again, the level of acceptable credit depends on your income. Too high, and you were a risk. Too low, and your banker may wonder why you don't qualify for more. Still, with responsible credit usage paying your bills on time, every time any short term blip will be history before you know it.
More aboutCancel Credit Cards Very Carefully

Get Relief From The Debt Problems

Posted by Articles Point

Debt is one of the major problems in the present economy. If you don't take loans and financial aid one especially in western country can't survive. But as job opportunities are less within this recession period the debtors cannot replace the bank notes. Many people take various loans for high interest. People falling in debts pit will still fall in deeper pits of debts because of the high interest and therefore are unable to come out of it. Well there are several debts like bank card debts, unsecured and secured debts, as well as other financial debts. Secured debts like government debts is just not very easily to have so most of the people go for unsecured debts. Unsecured debts interest tends to be comparing to secured debts.

Today several debt solution companies came in order to help the debtors to settle their debts. Customers who are staggering to stay the debt can contact your debt negotiate company for debt solutions. Because there are various debts solution programs for fast debt settle. Credit card debt settlement is a valid selection for avoiding bankruptcy and financial debts.

Debt solution are establishing and building relationships using the debtors and the creditors. They will speak for you with the creditors and to avoid the file of bankruptcy. Debt Settlement Company has various cost-effective solutions for debtors. Debt solution is a legitimate method of solving your debt problems. You'll find popular debt solution companies to assist you easily eliminate credit cards balance minus the loss of credibility.

Debtors may opt to use such experienced debt solution company that's available online and could get relief from the invoices because experience professional are prepared for any problem in connection with the field of financial and also credit card consolidation. Sometimes, people try and consolidate almost all their debts into one month bill that's in fact an incredible method of controlling debts but it's more risky job since this could properly finish up in even more deeper debts.

There are numerous people who have found themselves in deeper pits as a consequence of debt consolidation loans. But, in the event you contact the debt solution company available, they will help you to settle the quantity in a timely manner. Searching today to the debt solution remarkable services in the internet and then compared in order to find the best and suitable debt company in order for there is many spam debt solution company currently available.
More aboutGet Relief From The Debt Problems

Older Consumers More Likely To Have Credit Cards

Posted by Articles Point

A new study has indicated that older consumers are most likely to have multiple credit cards, while their younger counterparts are somewhat more cautious when it comes to splashing the cash.

Research from consultancy giant KPMG and online website Nine Rewards indicated that shoppers have become divided into two "tribes", although it noted the divisions between them are not always down to age or social factors.

"There are two Australians: the edgy, the connected and the modern lifestyle-inclined, and then there are the conservatives," said KPMG demographer Bernard Salt. "It is important for business ... to strike the right balance."

A total of 2,013 individuals were polled on a wide range of topics including their use of technology, opinions on their future outlook and other lifestyle choices. Spending habits were found to be significantly impacted by the presence of children.

Five per cent of participants had an income of higher than $200,000 per annum, with 11 per cent earning less than $30,000. While poorer households were largely made up of students (with student accounts) and pensioners, richer families were typically middle-aged with adolescent or grown-up children.

Those aged above 45 were singled out as being most likely to own more than one credit card, particularly parents with young dependents to consider. Individuals with children tended to spend less money on holidays or eating out, rather than putting cash away into savings accounts.

The vast majority - 91 per cent - of people questioned were internet users, with 92 per cent of those regularly checking their email online. In addition, 69 per cent had Facebook accounts and 25 per cent used MSN.

Earlier in the week, Bendigo & Adelaide Bank chief executive Mike Hirst told the Herald Sun that a growing number of consumers were opting to save money rather than spend it due to uncertainty about the global economy.

Speaking to the Herald Sun, Bendigo & Adelaide Bank chief executive Mike Hirst revealed that the recent uncertainty about the global economy and tumbling stock markets had prompted shoppers to get their personal finances in order.

"We've seen a large inflow [of savings] in the past month, near record levels," he told the newspaper. "We've seen a continual increase as people start to clean up their balance sheets."

His comments came as the lender announced it had made a net profit of $342.1 million in the 12 months to June - beating earlier expectations and surpassing last year's figure by a margin of 41 per cent.

However, NSW Consumer Credit Legal Centre solicitor Karen Cox last week told the Sydney Morning Herald that her organisation had received more phone calls from elderly people struggling to keep their debts under control.
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5 Golden Rules To Follow To Successfully Fix Your Credit Score

Posted by Articles Point

In your life you encounter some rules which are Golden, rules that actually apply. Whenever you find them it is wise to remember and do not forget them.They can guide you throughout all your life.


Golden Rules exist for use, to be followed, to guide you. Regardless of what your main goal is or what challenge you face, the rule will be there. Just look for the Golden Rule that applies and follow it...


Golden Rules, 5 of the best for sucessfully fixing your credit score.


Golden Rule # 1, Check credit history for negative items in the past. The tried and tested purpose of carrying it out like this is all the negative records which have lapsed due the time should be removed after seven years. Remember, if they appear as active, they are negatively affecting your credit score.


Golden Rule # 2, Check for incorrectly settled accounts. You should be careful in this area because sometimes system glitches and errors could display wrong information. And you might want to keep in mind that there is no way being more sure about your accounts information then looking by yourself. You can never know when your account that has been paid on full in time instead shows as paid derogatory, paid charge-off or settled.

Golden Rule # 3, Do not close accounts that you are not using. Why it is advisable to do that is because Credit rating is calculated on the number of your accounts. Closing some of them, whether they are not used too often or haven't been used at all, will lower your credit score


Golden Rule # 4, Limit your card charges. If you would like you could get this done by limiting your monthly allotted expenses to the 10% - 30% per credit card.


Golden Rule # 5, Get 1 on 1 session with professionals Ways to achieve this step include finding companies in your area that has good enough reputation and have been working successfuly in this area of expertese. You will want to do this carefully. It will save you a lot of time and hastle you would spend looking for this information online.


Carefully follow these golden rules to sucessfully fix your credit score once and for all and you will probably find your progress to be quite rapid and your successes greater, more frequent plus much more satisfying, when knowing you have managed to do it.
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