What are the chances of being sued for a delinquent account?

Posted by Articles Point on Friday, January 6, 2012

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... have always been current on my accounts. However, things changed after I lost my job in October 2010. I have not been able to make payments on the Amex card and the Chase card since then. I planned to pay off my debts after securing a job. I told the same thing to my creditors too. However, the creditors refused to believe me. They have sent the accounts to a third party collection agency. I have heard that the collectors are quite aggressive people. Will they file a lawsuit against me? What are the chances of being sued? I am pretty scared. I live in Los Angeles and owe around $45,000 on the cards. My current credit score is around 525. Thanks for any information.


Your chances of getting sued are quite high. The collectors are not patient people. They want their money by any means. They will try various methods to collect the money. The collectors will file a lawsuit against you when they lose hope of collecting money from you.

The debt collectors will calculate the total owed money prior to filing lawsuit against you. They will assess their chances of getting the money by suing you. Lawsuits are expensive and so the collectors would not like to waste any money if there is no chance of retrieving money.

The debt collectors will evaluate your income and assets. They will check whether or not you have a house or a vehicle. They will also try to know if you have available funds in your checking account.

If you have some funds in the checking account or have some equity in your home, then the collectors will definitely file a lawsuit against you. They will try their best to secure a judgment against you. Once the collectors win judgment, they will garnish your checking account or put a lien on your home.

You'll also have to think about your credit score apart from the lawsuits. Your credit score is already in a bad state right now. Your score will drop further if you don't make any payments on the cards. This implies that you'll face tremendous problems in getting a new loan or future. Moreover, you may not even get a job in spite of having good working experience and high qualification.  

I would suggest you to assess your financial situation first. Evaluate how much you have to pay on each account. Then, make a list of your assets and calculate the available funds in your account. Find out if you can repay the debts with budgeting. If not, then you'll have to get a job as early as possible. It will not be possible for you to get of this mess without any income.

You should contact the collection agency and explain your situation to them. Explain to them that you are trying your best to get a job. Try to negotiate an alternative payment plan with them.

If the collectors demand full payment, then you can take advantage of Los Angeles debt settlement to clear your dues. However, you should consider debt settlement as your last option. This is because settlement will drop your score further.

Finally, if you are not able to secure a job or qualify for debt settlement, then you can file bankruptcy. This debt relief option will help you repay your debts and avoid lawsuits.
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OFT clampdown on Debt Management Twitters

Posted by Articles Point

According to some reports in the media recently, the OFT could be about to stop debt management companies from using social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook to advertise their services. Firms that use pay-per-click advertising on Google could also be targeted as the OFT continues its clampdown on the debt advice industry.
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Credit Consolidation- Top 4 Ways To Achieve Your Financial Goals

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Credit consolidation is a strategy being used more and more by Americans as we struggle to get our economy back on the right track. Business is booming at such a rate for consolidating debt that there is just a plethora amount of companies opening up every month, or though it would seem. Our goal here is to simply explain 4 of the most common methods people are using to achieve their goals.

The first topic when discussing credit consolidation always centers around refinancing or HELOC ( home equity line of credit). Sad to say that it was just a short time ago that this strategy was probably the most popular and easiest way to do this, not anymore. With loans so easy to come by, and with the value of homes soaring to new heights, this was an incredible option. Talk about crashing and burning, wow. It seems as though we did a complete 360 in record time. With home values decreasing and loan requirements becoming more stringent, this option is not as viable as it once was. Okay wait for it folks, here it comes, the old catch 22 that you just knew was on the way because there is a certain risk with this that most people are very uncomfortable with even if they do have the credentials to qualify. Here lies the problem my friends, that being whenever you move unsecured debt to secured debt there is a risk, meaning besides your credit rating taking a hit, this could put your home ownership in jeopardy if you fail to meet your obligations for any reason what-so-ever. I hope I didn’t scare anybody off with all that, but it is something everyone must be made aware of when considering this as something that you want to do.

I’d be willing to bet that when I mention the second way of credit consolidation we want to talk about most of you already know of or heard it before, it is a debt settlement program. I think the popularity with these credit consolidation services keeps on increasing because of the ease to find and enroll into them as compared to some of the other ways being offered.  Immediately following enrollment, there are certain benefits and privileges that will be awaiting for the consumer. Lets take a quick look at what you can expect without going into great lengths here. You can expect your debt to be reduced, which of course leads to lower payments every month, and the cancellation of those pesky late fees and interest charges that have been piling up. Now that has to get your blood pumping with excitement. I know you are all waiting for me to drop the bomb, you know, when I tell everyone the bad side of this. Okay here it comes since you asked for it. Your credit rating will be impacted by this negatively until you have stayed the course and completed your program. Just a fast quick plus note here. It surely beats the heck out of the alternative, bankruptcy. The good news is once you finish up with all your obligations, you will see that your credit worthiness will be restored rather quickly.

Another way people are using credit consolidation to help with their finances is through a DMP or debt management plan. The many benefits with this will include, but not limited to, lower interest rates, those annoying phone calls will cease, late fees as well as over draft fees will stop, and payments will be combined to form a single  monthly payment. Credit consolidation services such as this will also protect your credit worthiness while you are working hard with putting your finances back to where they need to be. Generally speaking, it only takes the average person maybe 4-5 years to get rid of their debt once enrolled into this program. 

Now it’s time to talk about a way of credit consolidation that many people just don’t like for many reasons. Personal loans is what we will be bringing up next. This is the least favorite just because of it’s nature. Since it is an unsecured loan it will be more difficult to obtain one, and the amount you get will probably be for much less then if you tried another method. The risk with this will be solely on the lender since you will not be putting up your home as collateral. This will result with the consumer paying higher interest rates. It’s not to difficult to understand why I put this method last and why it’s probably dead last as far as which ways are the most consumer friendly. I guess not putting your home in jeopardy is a plus though. There it is everyone, 4 ways credit consolidation services and methods are being used everyday in this country to help people regain control of their finances once again.
More aboutCredit Consolidation- Top 4 Ways To Achieve Your Financial Goals

How Should You Choose Best Debt Consolidation?

Posted by Articles Point

Author writes articles on debt consolidation and a variety of other subjects in the world of debt for everybody. For more details please visit the website debt services.
More aboutHow Should You Choose Best Debt Consolidation?

Debt Settlement Programs in America

Posted by Articles Point

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Abhinav is a consultant in debtcasreusa. The Debt Settlement Company works diligently and professionally with your creditors on your behalf to negotiate your current unsecured debt balances.
More aboutDebt Settlement Programs in America

Avoid Losing Out On What Is Rightfully Due When You Sign Up With A Debt Collection Agency

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Debt collection services exists for a very valid reason. When a consumer fails to honor the stipulations of his credit or loan agreement, businesses have to make use of numerous methods to collect what is rightfully due them. One effective way of accomplishing this is simply by talking to a debt collection agency with a lot of experience carrying out this kind of work.

There are a variety of strategies a debt collection agency will employ. This process starts once the lender or creditor sends the client reminders that payments are late. When the customer repeatedly ignores the reminder, the company's next move is usually to look at a firm offering debt collection services. Inside the most serious of situations, an agency will often make use of a lawyer who specializes in recovering debt. What happens at this point is a formal lawsuit may be passed, allowing the court to acquire on behalf of the company.

For the most part, debt collection services do not want to make your life difficult. They'll begin by attempting to contact you, identifying the reasons why you are unable to pay, and figuring out acceptable terms that you can manage to bring things up to speed. Should any of these efforts fall short, the provider may call the whole current debt due, while closing your credit account from further use.

Around this critical point, the lending company may grant you with a specific timeframe to pay back your account. In case you continue to ignore this, a lender is likely to hire the assistance of a debt collection agency, with the objective of taking back all or a portion of the outstanding balance you owe them.

When debt collection services are unable to secure payment on behalf the client, the lender may choose to enforce current collection laws as a way of getting the court pass an honest judgment against you.

If the lawsuit is definitely a success, the judge may order a debt collection agency to start getting back what is due by means of a wage deduction, or seizing and selling off assets that you own. This is seen as a way of settling the debt. Generally, lenders and creditors see this as a final option, since time and effort needed to do something of such a magnitude can be significant. In fact, this might exceed the amount of debt you owe.

Understand that debt collection services should conduct themselves in compliance with laws regarding debt collection. These are in place with regards to the jurisdiction identified within the contract's terms and provisions.  Both the debtor and lender established these at the time the business relationship was consummated.

Basically, if a debt collection agency uses methods not considered legal, they may be found guilty of harassment and be subject to government-imposed fines and possible litigation initiated by the debtor.

Since debt collection laws differ from one country to another, with differences between credit card debt collection and other forms, having a attorney at law well-versed on these laws is critical.
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Tips to Get Personal Loan with Bad Credit

Posted by Articles Point

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The writer of this article writes about Personal Loans on his website, where you'll find every little thing you'll want to learn about bad credit loans guaranteed approval Also visit: payday loan yes
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