About Bextra: Night Sweats and Medications

Posted by Articles Point on Thursday, January 5, 2012

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Here is an article About Bextra: Night Sweats and Medications. Night sweats from medications is more common than one would think. This article will list medications that cause sweating. In order for us to understand where the sweating is coming from, we should understand that medications cause night sweats as well as diseases and other natural changes. There are several different reasons for the sweating as related to drugs but we will not deeply analyze that issue.

Many medications can not be removed from our daily requirements and often times we can not add any other drugs to get relief. Take for example women that are dealing with breast cancer and have to deal with menopause at the same time. There are very few options for women when it comes to taking night sweat prevention medicines. The options that are available can increase the chances of cancer reoccurring. There is hardly anything that they can do internally to find relief from night sweats; they must look for other options.

With some medications confusion in the natural cooling system of our body will occur. Our temperature regulation system is unable to stabilize our body and keep it a constant temperature. At times we are just fine and then other times we are getting hot for unknown reasons thus developing night sweats. The fluctuation makes the sleeping environment unstable and difficult to maintain healthy sleep...

Located below you will see several medications listed that will cause night sweats. Each drug can cause night sweats or extreme sweating. Some of these medications list fever as a symptom, some come right out and say night sweats. All of these are doing the same thing; they are making people sweat at night.

There are ways to relieve yourself of night sweats, if you can keep your body cool during the night you will be able to stop sweating and start sleeping comfortably. The objective is to keep your body cooler when it needs the cooling boost. In order to do this you must either cool your room, sleep with less covering and a fan, or use a fan designed specifically for cooling your body while sleeping.

A special fan that can generate a light breeze between your sheets will be more effective than lowering your thermostat by six to eight degrees. A system like this will generate a light breeze that will travel between your sheets along your body and push the hot air out of your bed. It will also eliminate the heat that has been building-up within your bed and keep you body cool.

This type of cooling system will also benefit you in the following ways.
# Lower air conditioning bills.

# Rapid reaction time, with the fan speed controller right under your pillow

# Can be directed at a single user

# Cools your body and your bed

The extra body heat that you generate during the night, will be quickly moved out from between your sheets. This simple breeze will keep your body from ever reaching the point at which you start to sweat. This is the most effective method of dealing with night sweats when you look at it from a thermal dynamics point of view.

Sweating at night can be controlled once you understand the mechanics of sweating. It is also imperative that you know the origin of the problem. If you are sweating due to a medical condition, a medication, a natural change, or if you are just a hot sleeper, you should know why you are sweating. Once you understand why you are sweating then you will be able to make the necessary changes needed to start sleeping and stop sweating.

The following is a short list of medications that are known to cause night sweats.

1. Accupril
2. Accutane
3. Altace
4. Ambien
5. Amnesteem
6. Anzemet
7. Arava
8. Aricept
9. Aromasin
10. Avinza
11. Bextra
12. Black Cohosh
13. Biaxin-xl
14. Cozaar
15. Cymbalta
16. Dilaudid
17. Diovan
18. Eligard
19. Evoxac
20. Fortovase
21. Oxycontin
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About Bextra: Eazol - The Natural Pain Reliever

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Below here you can find About Bextra: Eazol - The Natural Pain Reliever. Modern drugs are designed to treat the symptom and not the cause of the problem. If the underlying problem exists, and you treat the symptoms, then a patient is going to need the drug for as long as they have the problem, which could be a lifetime.

Herbal products are naturally occurring, and are generally accepted by the body better than synthetic products. Natural products are used to treat the problem and not the symptom, so once the problem has been rectified, there is no need to continue taking the natural product unless the problem returns.

Eazol, an effective and the most powerful anti-inflammatory, all-natural, pain reliever. Its ingredients help to ease the feeling of strain related with tenderness and might help to reduce 'pain-stress-more pain' loop...

It is most commonly used by those who suffer form chronic pain, which is often caused by inflammation as well as annoyance of the gastrointestinal tract, joints, muscles and. Eazol is also used to control the prostaglandin levels when they are too high in a body. A variety of side effects may appear for the increase levels of prostaglandin, including pain, fever and inflammation. It does not only control the level of prostaglandin but also turn it to work for controlling the unwanted side effects.

After the latest development in the research over the drugs of supplied by Cox-2 inhibitors, which included the renowned Vioxx, sold by Merck, and Celebrex and Bextra, sold by Pfizer, the drugs were banned from the market, people were desperate to get an all in one natural pain reliever. Vioxx was withdrawn from the market in last September after studies indicated taking the drug increases the risk of heart attack and brain stroke.

Recent studies showed that before the drug was withdrawn Vioxx net sales were $2.5 billion last year. Where as the investment firm William Blair & Co. estimated that sales of Celebrex dropped from $3.3 billion to $1.5 billion last year. Even with an improvement in terms of side effects, COX-2 inhibitors still resulted to cause some abdominal distress.

On the other hand Eazol is scientifically researched and proved to be the safest and 100% natural pain reliever. It contains powerful ingredients like Boswellia, Lobelia, and White Willow. The ingredients in it are proved to be more effective together than they are alone. In addition they do not cause any sort of gastrointestinal irritation.

In the current market Eazol is the most unique natural pain relief health supplement which contains a complete list of active botanicals. It has changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives by finally easing their pain without any side effects.

All Eazol supplements are manufactured using Good Manufacturing Practices set forth by the US Federal Drug Administration. In addition, both scheduled and surprise inspections by the Quality Assurance staff during different aspects of the manufacturing process help to ensure specific quality, strength and purity for both the raw materials and the finished supplements. It is currently planning to put its another plant in Australia.
More aboutAbout Bextra: Eazol - The Natural Pain Reliever

Bextra Doctor... What Do I Do Now That They've Taken Away My Vioxx!

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...You can ask, Bextra Doctor... What Do I Do Now That They've Taken Away My Vioxx! Ever since the huge tidal wave of publicity that surrounded COX-2 drugs hit the American public, patients with arthritis have had to deal with the consequences. While some deaths possibly could have been attributed to cardiovascular side-effects, there has been a huge downside. This has been the radical removal of medicines which had been the source of better quality of life for thousands of patients.

So what are the options?

Well for one, there is still one COX-2 drug available. Celebrex has been shown to be effective for pain associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The down side is that patients with a history of allergy to sulfa should not take it because of cross-reactivity. Also, despite the touted safety for patients with prior peptic ulcer disease, the benefit of COX-2 drugs has been negated when patients have had to take concomitant aspirin therapy. Nonetheless, Celebrex remains a viable option for patients who are in need of the benefits of COX-2 inhibition....

Older non-steroidal drugs also remain on the market. These include drugs like Relafen, Lodine, Mobic, Daypro, Motrin, Naprosyn, and Voltaren. Unfortunately, data has indicated that all non-steroidal drugs share an increased risk of cardiovascular events. In fact, it appears that many of the older drugs such as Clinoril, Voltaren, and Indocin probably have a higher cardiovascular risk than many of the newer medications.

A new plant-based cyclooxygenase inhibitor called Limbrel appears to be both effective as well as safe. Clinical trials in osteoarthritis are ongoing.

Interest in nutritional supplements has also offered a possible alternative. The recent NIH GAIT (Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis Trial) has been called a “negative” study by some. Nonetheless, 66% of patients taking glucosamine/chondroitin benefited vs. 60% in the placebo group. While the numbers may not be statistically significant, no one can explain why the actual treatment group did better than the placebo group and why animals studies also show a benefit. (It’s hard to fake placebo effect in animals).

Non-drug therapies such as weight loss, thermal modalities (heat and cold), topical agents (rubs), and exercise play an important role in the management of arthritis.

Integrative therapies such as acupuncture, various herbal supplements, and hypnosis might benefit some people.

Newer therapies such as electrical pulsed coils might also help. This type of therapy has drawn much interest because of its non-invasive, non-drug properties.

It’s important that patients consult knowledgeable rheumatologists to assist them in their quest for safe, effective relief from arthritis pain.
More aboutBextra Doctor... What Do I Do Now That They've Taken Away My Vioxx!

Bextra: Overview of FDA Recalled Drug Bextra

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Here is an article that contains about Bextra: Overview of FDA Recalled Drug Bextra. Bextra, also known as valdecoxib, is a prescription medicine known as a COX-2 Inhibitor. Like Vioxx and Celebrex, it supposedly lessen the pain of inflammation and fever without causing stomach irritation common to aspirin and other NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs). Pharmaceutical corporation Pfizer released Bextra in 2001, and prescription sales soon rose to 3.2 billion dollars.

Bextra is used to take care of an assortment of different conditions, including arthritis, menstrual cramps, and other types of chronic inflammation or low level pain. Pfizer discovered in 2002 that Bextra offered an elevated risk of serious skin irritation during the beginning stages of treatment. Also, during a complicated heart procedure called coronary artery bypass graft, certain patients who had also taken Bextra developed serious heart problems. Bextra also created a heightened risk of Steven-Johnsons’s Syndrome, a potentially fatal skin condition resulting in infection and inflammation, and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, which creates infected skin to flake off and die. In addition, it was originally believed that Bextra, like its sister drug Celebrex, might pose the same heightened risk of stroke and heart attack, and the FDA ordered more examinations to investigate this possibility. Later, in April 2005, the FDA asked Pfizer to remove Bextra from the market because the side effects proved too dangerous for public consumption...

Victims of pharmaceutical shortsightedness have a right to be compensated. A knowledgeable attorney is the key to getting you the settlement you deserve. Just as important as your physical recovery, your financial recovery depends on the action you decide to take. Hesitating one day may prevent you from taking the legal action necessary to recover your losses. Contact a lawyer today!
More aboutBextra: Overview of FDA Recalled Drug Bextra

About Bextra: Pennsylvania Bextra Lawyer

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Here is an article About Bextra: Pennsylvania Bextra Lawyer. Need a Bextra lawyer from Pennsylvania? Over recent months a group of drugs known as cox-2 inhibitors have hit the headlines due to the variety of dangerous side effects that have been discovered. One of these painkillers is Bextra, a cox-2 inhibitor manufactured by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Bextra has been found to increase the chances of health problems such as strokes, heart attacks, and a deadly skin disorder known as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Those affected by the drug may have a right to compensation, and by hiring a specialist Bextra lawyer Pennsylvania residents could receive a large compensation settlement for injuries or loss resulting from taking this painkiller.

With an experienced Bextra lawyer Pennsylvania residents will have the benefit of an expert within the field - a legal professional that will know how best to fight your case to ensure you get maximum compensation for your injuries. A Bextra lawyer will have past experience working with Bextra lawsuits, and will therefore have prior experience as well as links and resources to improve your chances of compensation. Your lawyer will put together as solid a case as possible in order to get you the compensation to which you are entitled for your injuries...

Of course, large pharmaceutical companies don't want to have to pay out millions of dollars in compensation, and these companies will have teams of legal experts working on their behalf. With the help of an expert Bextra lawyer Pennsylvania residents will have a better chance of fighting these legal teams with a far better chance of winning compensation. On the downside, because you have to pay for the expertise of an experienced Bextra lawyer Pennsylvania residents could find themselves with a hefty legal bill.

An effective solution to ensure that you can get the legal help you need to file your Bextra lawsuit is to have a prepaid legal service plan in place. With this legal plan, you pay a small premium each month, and for this you will have access to legal advice and assistance from a lawyer with experience and expertise with Bextra lawsuits. Being able to access this legal expertise could mean the difference between winning millions in compensation and getting nothing for your injuries and losses.
More aboutAbout Bextra: Pennsylvania Bextra Lawyer

About Bextra: What is Bextra? (FDA Recalled Drug)

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Let's see About Bextra: What is Bextra? (FDA Recalled Drug) below. Bextra, also known as valdecoxib, is a prescribed medication used to alleviate the problems associated with arthritis and other inflammation-related conditions. The drug helps reduce the pain of swelling and fever without causing stomach irritation like aspirin.

NSAIDs work by blocking a chemical in the body called cycloxgenase. Cylooxgenase-1, or COX-1, shields the stomach from the harsh hydrochloric acid it contains, while COX-2, is found in inflamed tissues and causes the pain of fever, infection and arthritis. The drugs were effective for alleviating this pain, but the relief benefits were limited because the traditional NSAIDs caused stomach irritation. Taking an NSAIDs like aspirin causes pain because it blocks both chemicals (relieving pain) but also disabling the stomach protection of COX-1...

When the development of aspirin and ibuprofen came along, medical science searched for a way to provide a safe, non-addictive pain and fever relief without the risk of serious gastrointestinal damage. This came in the late 1990’s when scientists isolated the protein COX-2 from COX-1 and created drugs to selectively block COX-2 without interfering with COX-1.

When these COX-2 inhibitors like Bextra were introduced, they relieved the pain of inflammation like arthritis without causing significant stomach damage. They soon became biggest selling pain relievers in the world, with sales in the tens of billions of dollars. Unfortunately, clinical trials began to warn patients about potential risks of increased cardiovascular trauma due to the disruption by COX-2 drugs of the way that the kidneys regulate blood pressure after filtering out impurities. These drugs started causing blood clots to form in the arteries causing heart attacks and strokes. Despite the documented accounts of these risks, doctors continued to prescribe Bextra in larger quantities.

Bextra is dangerous because it increases the patient’s chance for heart attacks and strokes as well as endangering patients undergoing post-operative recovery for heart surgery. Patients taking Bextra also face an increased risk of developing potentially fatal skin allergies called Steven-Johnson syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Syndrome. After further review, the FDA re-evaluated the drug and asked Pfizer to remove the drug from the market on April 7th, 2005.

Unfortunately the damage has already been done. Bextra caused millions of people to live in fear, anxiety and illness because the were prescribed an unsafe drug. If you’ve suffered from these dangerous and potentially fatal side effects, you have the right to seek compensation for your physical and emotional anguish. Immediately consult your physician to assess any damage to your health and immediately contact an experienced lawyer to help you get the answers and compensation you deserve. You are entitled to help. Contact a Bextra lawyer today!
More aboutAbout Bextra: What is Bextra? (FDA Recalled Drug)

About Bextra: Bextra's Safety Questioned

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...This article is contain About Bextra: Bextra's Safety Questioned. An increasing number of Americans are relieved to learn there are non-drug ways to ease pain now that safety questions have been raised about another well-known and widely used painkiller, Bextra.

Recent meetings of the FDA were preceded by a petition from a leading consumer group, Public Citizen, asking that the drug be taken off the market. Both the FDA and Public Citizen raised concerns about the safety of Bextra, one of the so-called Cox-2 inhibitors. The Cox-2 drugs Vioxx and Bextra were once viewed as “wonder drugs” for arthritis and painful menstrual cycles.

Bextra has moved into the spotlight while the maker of Vioxx is being investigated. Vioxx was one of the nation’s most popular ways to treat pain and arthritis and was taken by an estimated 20 million people before it was withdrawn from the market. That happened after studies linked it to a heightened risk of heart attack and stroke – information that may not have been fully understood when the drugs received FDA approval...

Researchers released information indicating that the chances for heart attack following prolonged use of Vioxx were four times greater than with older over-the-counter pain relievers. It has also been linked to angina and stroke. A University of Pennsylvania study released at a meeting of the American Cardiology Association indicated that those taking Bextra had a 2.19 times greater chance of heart attack, stroke, sudden death and Stevens Johnson Syndrome, a life threatening disorder in which blisters occur on the patient’s body.

The result is many people are now seeking alternative non-drug therapies. They are also investigating legal remedies.

Those seeking non-drug alternatives to relieve chronic pain should discuss their plans with a physician. Known alternative remedies include:

MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane), a compound normally found in foods. It’s used to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis and help strengthen collagen in the joints.

Glucosamine, primarily used to treat osteoarthritis. Research indicates that glucosamine is as effective as low doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen. It appears to relieve pain and improve movement, slow the progression of the disease and protect joints from further damage.

Wobenzym, an enzyme combination and a top-selling supplement in Europe, now available in North America.

Bromelain, an anti-inflammatory and digestive aid used primarily in Japan, Hawaii and Taiwan.
More aboutAbout Bextra: Bextra's Safety Questioned