About Bextra: Bextra's Safety Questioned

Posted by Articles Point on Thursday, January 5, 2012

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...This article is contain About Bextra: Bextra's Safety Questioned. An increasing number of Americans are relieved to learn there are non-drug ways to ease pain now that safety questions have been raised about another well-known and widely used painkiller, Bextra.

Recent meetings of the FDA were preceded by a petition from a leading consumer group, Public Citizen, asking that the drug be taken off the market. Both the FDA and Public Citizen raised concerns about the safety of Bextra, one of the so-called Cox-2 inhibitors. The Cox-2 drugs Vioxx and Bextra were once viewed as “wonder drugs” for arthritis and painful menstrual cycles.

Bextra has moved into the spotlight while the maker of Vioxx is being investigated. Vioxx was one of the nation’s most popular ways to treat pain and arthritis and was taken by an estimated 20 million people before it was withdrawn from the market. That happened after studies linked it to a heightened risk of heart attack and stroke – information that may not have been fully understood when the drugs received FDA approval...

Researchers released information indicating that the chances for heart attack following prolonged use of Vioxx were four times greater than with older over-the-counter pain relievers. It has also been linked to angina and stroke. A University of Pennsylvania study released at a meeting of the American Cardiology Association indicated that those taking Bextra had a 2.19 times greater chance of heart attack, stroke, sudden death and Stevens Johnson Syndrome, a life threatening disorder in which blisters occur on the patient’s body.

The result is many people are now seeking alternative non-drug therapies. They are also investigating legal remedies.

Those seeking non-drug alternatives to relieve chronic pain should discuss their plans with a physician. Known alternative remedies include:

MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane), a compound normally found in foods. It’s used to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis and help strengthen collagen in the joints.

Glucosamine, primarily used to treat osteoarthritis. Research indicates that glucosamine is as effective as low doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen. It appears to relieve pain and improve movement, slow the progression of the disease and protect joints from further damage.

Wobenzym, an enzyme combination and a top-selling supplement in Europe, now available in North America.

Bromelain, an anti-inflammatory and digestive aid used primarily in Japan, Hawaii and Taiwan.
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About Bextra: Don't Feel Guilty, Get a Bextra Lawyer

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Below here you can find About Bextra: Don't Feel Guilty, Get a Bextra Lawyer. By now you have probably heard about a little drug known as BEXTRA. Just in case you have been out of the loop, it is a medicine that treats the pain and inflammation of arthritis. On April 7, the Food and Drug Administration requested that Pfizer suspend sales of BEXTRA in the United States in light of the FDA's position that there is an increased cardiovascular risk for all prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory arthritis medicines, as well as the increased rate of rare, serious skin reactions.

The Bad news.....

The bad news is this. If you have been taking Bextra, you have been unknowingly increasing your risk of having cardiovascular complications.

The Good News.

The good news is, not only can you get a refund, in most cases, from your local pharmacy, but you may also have a strong case if you decide to contact a lawyer that specializes in Dangerous Drugs.

If you have taken any kind of dangourous drug, you should never feel guilty about finding out more about your legal options. Research not only the medicine in question, but also alternative medicines so you don’t end up in a similar situation. When you feel comfortable talking about the situation, find a Lawyer specialized in the drug in question. Which in this case would be a Bextra Lawyer.
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About Bextra: Steven Johnson Syndrome Symptoms

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...This article will mention About Bextra: Steven Johnson Syndrome Symptoms. Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is a potentially fatal syndrome caused by a severe allergic reaction to some drugs.

Stevens Johnson Syndrome can be caused by these types of drugs:

• painkillers

• rheumatoid arthritis

• antibiotics

• drugs for bi-polar disorder

• non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

• barbiturates

• anticonvulsants

• sulfa antibiotics

• penicillins

Stevens Johnson Syndrome can be caused by these medications....

• Bextra

• Arava

• Remicade

• Ibuprofen

• Daypro

• children’s Motrin

• Advil

• Topamax

• Lamectal

• Allopurinol

• Phenytoin

• Carbamazepine

• valdecoxib

If you have been taking one of these drugs and are experiencing symptoms of SJS, you should talk to a doctor immediately. Symptoms of Stevens Johnson Syndrome Include:

• persistent, serious rash

• persistent fever

• conjunctivitis

• flu-like symptoms

• inflammation of the mucosal membranes (mouth, throat, eyes, genital tract, intestinal tract)

• ulcers inside the mouth

• inflammation of the tongue, gums and lips

• inflammation of the throat

• skin lesions

• blisters and bleeding of the lips, eyes, mouth, nasal passage, and genital areas

• skin sloughing off in sheets (like a chemical burn from the inside out)

• lesions in the lungs

• permanent blindness

• dry-eye syndrome

• photophobia

• lung damage

• chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

• asthma

• permanent loss of nail beds

• scarring of the esophagus

• arthritis

• chronic fatigue syndrome

These are dangerous because they lead to:

• severe pain

• increased chance of infection since protective skin dies and sloughs off

• inability to eat or drink

• sloughing of lung tissue creates breathing problems

• and these can lead to death in many cases

If you find that you have Stevens Johnson Syndrome the in addition to seeking medical attention you may be able to pursue a lawsuit against the drug manufacturing company. You can pursue this suit if your SJS is not caused by a bacterial infection and if you can trace your SJS to the use of a particular drug. The benefits of a class action suit are:

• increased chance of success

• strength in numbers

• less expensive to file (cost is spread amongst the group)

• however, the settlement will be split between more people which means less money for the individual

The benefits of a individual suit are:

• larger settlement figure if you win

• strong cases are likely to win without the assistance of other claimants

• however, the entire cost of filing suit is on the individual and there is a greater chance of failure
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About Bextra Recall: Lawyer Says Help Is On The Way

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Let's see About Bextra Recall: Lawyer Says Help Is On The Way below. By now, you have probably heard of the prescription drug Bextra. You may not know, however, why that a recall is in order. The reason is quite simple. The FDA has asked Pfizer to withdraw Bextra from the market because of increased risks of heart attack and stroke.

Bextra has been around for quite a few years. Approved by the Food and Drugs Administration in November 2001, Bextra has been used treat problems like oestoarthrits, menstrual cramps, and other adult pain without the serious side effects caused by other traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Bextra is manufactured by the pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer and has quickly gained popularity. Bextra is widely used. After its approval, Bextra was prescribed to millions of patients in the Unites States.

It is worth talking to a Lawyer? Absolutely. Most drugs litigation firms can offer a free initial consultation, which means that you can look into whether you have grounds to make a claim without having to pay anything. A Bextra lawyer can evaluate your case and offer advice on the potential success of any claims made, as well as which course of legal action to take to maximize on the chances of success.
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Bextra.. Bextra.. and Bextra .., Some Facts To Consider

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Now you can see about Bextra.. Bextra.. and Bextra .., Some Facts To Consider. For those who take Bextra, there are many warnings out that are telling people to stop. It is wise to do this and to do it right away. Of course, you should talk to your doctor about it as well. But, what is Bextra and what does it do? Are their good effects and bad for this drug? Yes, and that is what keeps doctors wanting to prescribe it. But, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) have deemed the bad effects to outweigh the good enough to stop production and distribution until a true answer can be found.

Bextra is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It reduces substances in the body that cause pain and inflammation. It has been used to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, mainly. It has also been used to treat women who have painful menstruation. Arthritis, as a general rule, is an inflammation of the joints. Bextra has been able to stop the pain enough for patients to feel some relief. Vioxx is in the same class as Bextra and it was also pulled from the shelves. In some cases, the pain relief given from Bextra is not better than that of the over the counter pain reliever Motrin. For others, they claim that no other drug will give them any relief. In either case, the side benefits of Bextra can not compete with the side effects as these far outweigh the benefits...

But, the problem with Bextra is that it can increase a person’s chance of a heart attack or stroke. In some patients, this has occurred and has been deadly. It can also cause a severe skin rash as well. It has been linked to the cause of stomach ulcers, liver damage, and worse. Since Bextra has been removed from the US, Canadian, and European markets, it is wise to take warning and to stop taking the drug. If you have suffered one of these symptoms while taking the drug, you should stop and call your doctor and possibly a lawyer. The risks of this drug are not worth the mild pain relief it can offer.
More aboutBextra.. Bextra.. and Bextra .., Some Facts To Consider


Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Are you diagnosed as Mesothelioma or suffer due to Asbestos exposure? Ok, now is your time to contact mesothelioma lawyer or asbestos lawyer to help you to get more information about mesothelioma case and also to get compensation from your company.

Mesothelioma Lawyers will build a case against the party that caused the exposure, where they were working through the court's route. select and look for a law firm or individual that devoted to your needs as a client, the lawyer should be a qualified and experienced in Mesothelioma or Asbestos attorney cases. Mesothelioma lawyer could make a big different to the success of mesothelioma lawsuit's settlement for the injury.


Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Treatment of Mesothelioma are depends on many factors such as stage of the cancer, cancer's location, how far the cancer has spread, medical history of the patient, age, description of cancer cell under the microscope and also according to the patient’s desires.

Generally, The mesothelioma treatment divided into two categories; Conventional therapies {surgery, radiation and chemotherapy) and Experimental therapies (drug Alimta, gene therapy, immunotherapy, photodynamic therapy (PDT) and Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)}. Treatment of mesothelioma often used two or more combination therapy.