Why should I buy life insurance?

Posted by Articles Point on Thursday, January 5, 2012

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Many financial experts consider life insurance to be the cornerstone of sound financial planning. It can be an important tool in the following situations:

  1. Replace income for dependents
    If people depend on your income, life insurance can replace that income for them if you die. The most commonly recognized case of this is parents with young children. However, it can also apply to couples in which the survivor would be financially stricken by the income lost through the death of a partner, and to dependent adults, such as parents, siblings or adult children who continue to rely on you financially. Insurance to replace your income can be especially useful if the government- or employer-sponsored benefits of your surviving spouse or domestic partner will be reduced after your death.
  2. Pay final expenses
    Life insurance can pay your funeral and burial costs, probate and other estate administration costs, debts and medical expenses not covered by health insurance....
  3. Create an inheritance for your heirs
    Even if you have no other assets to pass to your heirs, you can create an inheritance by buying a life insurance policy and naming them as beneficiaries.
  4. Pay federal “death” taxes and state “death” taxes
    Life insurance benefits can pay estate taxes so that your heirs will not have to liquidate other assets or take a smaller inheritance. Changes in the federal “death” tax rules between now and January 1, 2011 will likely lessen the impact of this tax on some people, but some states are offsetting those federal decreases with increases in their state-level “death” taxes.
  5. Make significant charitable contributions
    By making a charity the beneficiary of your life insurance, you can make a much larger contribution than if you donated the cash equivalent of the policy’s premiums.
  6. Create a source of savings
    Some types of life insurance create a cash value that, if not paid out as a death benefit, can be borrowed or withdrawn on the owner’s request. Since most people make paying their life insurance policy premiums a high priority, buying a cash-value type policy can create a kind of “forced” savings plan. Furthermore, the interest credited is tax deferred (and tax exempt if the money is paid
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Should I buy life insurance on my child’s life?

Posted by Articles Point

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The main reason for buying life insurance on anyone’s life is to replace income “lost” or pay for expenses caused by the death of the insured person. If your child dies, there’s no lost income, but there will be funeral, burial and related expenses that could run to thousands of dollars, which might cause a financial hardship to the parents of the deceased child.

Another reason for buying life insurance on a child’s life is to guard against the possibility that, when the child is older, he or she might not be able to buy life insurance because of intervening illness or other circumstance.

Still another reason for buying life insurance on a child’s life is part of a program to teach the child financial responsibility. Typically the insurance is whole life insurance, ownership of which is transferred to the child when he or she turns 21...

Most insurance advisors recommend that families spend their insurance budget to buy life and disability income insurance on the parents first, before considering insurance on children’s lives. Death of a parent, particularly an income-earner, could have financial consequences that are devastating compared to the financial effects from a child’s death.
More aboutShould I buy life insurance on my child’s life?

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... Everyone Can Find Affordable Life Insurance Rates: Even Smokers

Posted by Articles Point

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Smokers are often under the impression that they can’t find affordable life insurance coverage. With 21% of the US population smoking, or about 45 million adult smokers in 2005, there is a need for life insurance companies to provide affordable rates to smokers.
Although smokers indeed pay more for term life insurance, there is generally a unique policy for almost every budget, every lifestyle, and every stage of life. The need for comparison shopping for the best policy is critical; as underwriting criteria and rates for smokers can differ drastically from company to company.
Who is Considered A Smoker? Insurance companies classify smokers differently based on their tobacco consumption. Some companies differentiate between moderate and heavy usage, and charge moderate users less.
Other companies use the classification of “standard” or “preferred” tobacco users, where smokers will generally fall into the preferred category if they smoke but are otherwise healthy with regard to their weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol.
Your Life Insurance Rates if You Quit Smoking
Those who recently quit smoking may qualify for non-smoker rates, depending on the insurer’s guidelines for how long a consumer must be tobacco-free. There are policies that offer graduated scales, with rates that drop the longer a person remains tobacco-free — sometimes reaching non-smoking rates in the course of a year.
Applying for Term Life Insurance
The process of applying for a term life insurance policy generally requires a medical examination that verifies the information provided by the applicant (height, weight, blood pressure, etc.). In order to identify tobacco users, most insurance companies administer a test that measures their body’s level of cotidine, a byproduct of nicotine, in their urine or saliva.
Nearly everyone can find affordable term life insurance rates when paired up with the right company — even smokers. Nearly a quarter of the US adult population smokes, creating a significant market for life insurance companies to offer competitive term life insurance products.
5 Ways to Save on Life Insurance

1. Buy When You're Young
Secure as much protection at a young age. Buying life insurance coverage while you’re young and your health is still good could help you save money on life insurance.
2. Select The Right Length Of Coverage
Everyone has different needs, and not one size fits all when it comes to term life insurance. While it may make sense for people in their 30s and 40s to secure a 20-year term length, a 10-year term might be more appropriate for someone nearing retirement.
3. Check For Price Breaks
Companies often offer “price breaks” at certain coverage amounts, e.g., $250,000 vs. $225,000. The truth is that many people can actually pay less money for more coverage. Check how little your prices increase when you increase coverage to $250,000, $500,000, or $1,000,000.
4. Buy The Right Amount Of Coverage
Many agents may try to sell you more coverage than you need. Independent financial planners recommend purchasing an amount of coverage equal to 6-10 times your annual gross income.
5. Review Your Policy Often
Conduct a review of your life insurance policy at least every three years, if not more often. Rates may be lower, and your circumstances may have changed, necessitating more or less protection. (blog.insweb.com )
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It's Naver Too Latte To Buy Life Insurance

Posted by Articles Point on Wednesday, January 4, 2012

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No matter how old you are, you can always purchase a life insurance policy if need be. Of course, the older you get the more money you are going to have to pay. The reason for this is that life insurance companies see you as a higher risk as your age increases. With that being said, you can look into several ways of keeping your premium down even if you are getting up there in age.
As you can imagine, your best bet is to purchase life insurance when you are young. Most people decide to do this when they get married for the first time or have children. This way they can not only buy when they are young, but they can also make sure that their family will be in good financial shape should they pass away.
It is not always easy to purchase life insurance at a young age though. If you are older and need to buy a policy, you will want to shop around by speaking with more than one company. This will show you which ones offer low prices for older individuals. The better your health, regardless of your age, the better chance you have of obtaining a low and reasonable price....

You should never feel as if it is too late to buy life insurance. Sure, you may pay more when you are older, but if you need insurance you will want to buy it without delay. ( 2insure4less.com )
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Life Insurance, Is That Good Enough?

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...The thought that you May not poverty life coat is anathema to most life indemnity agents. Nevertheless as a practiced pecuniary plotter who is also a life cover agent, I have a different position. There are moments where you May not must life cover.
For me, there are three reasons for this cover. You should use it to afford a substitute family salary in the significance of premature decease, as a way to pay the taxes for coming cents on the cash or to employ some exciting unusual state strategies. Otherwise, you May not necessary life indemnity and could better use the money to finance a higher priority as long-phrase trouble cover.
Using life indemnity to exchange the family 's wages during the profitability days before retirement is a practical necessity, especially when you have children. Unfortunately, there are still many people who crash to defend their loved ones in this track. Because of our life cover policies, my partner and I am very reassured to know that our family would be well cared for should also of us gorge.
If you do not have enough cover to swap your proceeds should you die, you can place a profound burden on your family. For parents it is even more important!
An austere manage of thumb to reveal if you have enough assurance is to rift your salary by .05. For example, if you earn $ 50000 a year, you should have about $ 1000000 in life cover. In most suitcases, I endorse 10, 20 or 30 time to indemnity against eternal indemnity. Get the term of task which leads you to your retirement age.
Once you extract May no longer hardship such indemnity. If you have accumulated enough to afford comfortably for your time, life insurance is no longer needed for a replacement takings. Do not cancel that policy yet, because you poverty May for other reasons.
The qualities can squander $ 2 million to heirs boundless of national revenue tax. If you have accumulated more than that, you must May life insurance to pay estate taxes coming.
Even with current changes in tax laws, many find themselves facing hundreds or thousands of dollars in taxes to their fatality. With polite planning, married couples are able to splurge $ 4 million to their heirs in 2006 lacking incurring central taxes. Unfortunately, few married couples have tactics in place and eventually give up an exclusion which outcome in sinking the quantity of $ 2 million...

Life insurance 
is an amazing way to pay death taxes lacking eating into the tackle itself.
This is particularly factual when a large percentage of an estate is allied to non-liquid assets such as sincere estate. In these bags, these assets must be sold to pay taxes.
With the decorous use of this insurance, you can forestall these situations entirely, and to do so that you pay your taxes for cents on the dough. If your estate is lesser, you May not indigence life insurance to help cover potential estate taxes.
The third use of insurance is for strategies. There are exclusive strategies that will significantly spread the quantity of crutch you can offer your preferred charities or give an economic shelter net for your loved ones for generations.
Even modest means can provide millions of dollars to worthy causes, while cursory on a bequest to upcoming generations. Very few know these strategies.
If you are not one of those situations May you no longer need life insurance. Do not take this resolve lightly, even if, especially if your vigor has declined.
Also, depending on your age and strength, you get more May by the selling of your policy to be canceled. Consult a qualified, detached professional before the cancellation of your policies to be certainly.
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To Save Insurance With You

Posted by Articles Point

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Even if we assume that it will never happen to us, there will be accidents and diseases can strike. Make sure you are adequately insured for the unknown, it is easier to proceed with the events of life pass you.
Many people should consider insurance a waste of money, because it might lead to pay hundreds of pounds of prizes and has never had a complaint. But if you want only peace of mind - that alone is worth the price for some - a demand that is happy about security.
This article discusses the main types of insurance available to fit your needs and how to ensure that you do not pay.

Organizing coverage.
The insurance is to provide coverage against damage or loss, in exchange for a monthly or annual fee or premium. The insurer calculates the premium when assessing the risk to manufacture something to you - like your house is flooded - and what it will cost to right the damage.
The increase in the probability that an event occurs, and you have a complaint, the higher the premium...

Determine what you need insurance.
Some forms of protection are needed, such as buildings insurance for people with a mortgage or third question for all motorists. But most of insurance is not necessary, but simply provides peace of mind and makes life easier in case of disaster.
In deciding whether there are non-mandatory reporting reflect on the consequences of something that happens to you and if you could, if they face. For example, if you are interrupted, could afford to replace all of your things? This is not the case, you need insurance.
The cover of your choice is motivated by what you can afford. They develop a short list of insurance companies will buy if the money does not matter, and ranked in order of importance, with coverage beginning to buy. After a compulsory insurance, most people are for life, but that is irrelevant if they are not supported. Think about your needs and costs.
To verify if the coverage is sufficient, we must not forget that most insurers is the most you are willing to pay catastrophe: Check whether this includes your loss.

Dissemination of information to the insurer.
You must complete an application for obtaining coverage. This is a response to a series of questions, depending on the type of insurance you buy.
Answer honestly, even if you know what your face contributions. For example, if you opt for insurance and home insurer asks whether you are a smoker, do not lie and say that you do not like. Even if a smoker increases the risk and your premiums to tell the truth, because if there are, May insurers are refusing to pay a claim. E 'better pay higher premiums to make sure you're covered.
If you have existing health, his complaint to the broker or insurer not wait to ask. It 'better, surely it can not hurt.
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What Is Life Insurance

Posted by Articles Point

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Life insurance is a contract between an insurance policy holder and an insurer, where the insurer promises to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money (the "benefits") upon the death of the insured person. Depending on the contract, other events such as terminal illness or critical illness may also trigger payment. The policy holder typically pays a premium, either regularly or as a lump sum. Other expenses (such as funeral expenses) are also sometimes included in the premium; however, in Australia the predominant form simply specifies a lump sum to be paid on the policy holder's death.
The advantage for the policy owner is "peace of mind", in knowing that the death of the insured person will not result in financial hardship for loved ones.
Life policies are legal contracts and the terms of the contract describe the limitations of the insured events. Specific exclusions are often written into the contract to limit the liability of the insurer; common examples are claims relating to suicide, fraud, war, riot and civil commotion.
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