An up-to-date content is of paramount importance in evaluating the eligibility of any business online. If you want to play globally against your competitors in precise comportment, the fresh and most recent information about your business product is pivotal for you to get maximum business.
The leading search engine Google employs composite algorithms to give fresh, pertinent, and real-time results by searching out the world-wide-web containing explicit keywords the searcher inputs and assigns rank to each page according to many important factors; one aspect out of them could be the number of times a specific keyword appears on a page. As a result, higher ranked pages get their place on top of the search engine’s result page (SERP). That’s how the best links relating to user’s query are supposedly the first ones Google lists and it would undoubtedly be out of question that getting a top position in Google’s SERP guarantees considerable increase in online visitor’s traffic to your website. If you are in sales, this could be pivotal to get huge business opportunity.
Quite recently, Google has upgraded its search algorithm that looks for building on the Caffeine Web Indexing System since many of its users had turned towards other social networks like Facebook and Twitter to get fresh results because of experiencing Google’s outdated results.
The algorithm change will impact 35% of web searches and provide the fresh and most recent information depending upon user’s search requisitions. Google’s algorithm change is based on the mechanism of figuring out the age of information. For example, the most up-to-date information about the launch of a new software program by Microsoft could be a week’s time before or the breaking news about initiation of new technology in computer’s motherboard processor could be too old for a buyer on Google’s search engine. This change will not only provide timely information to potential customers but also help in preventing them from switching to other Social Media Competitors.
Being a Search Engine Optimizer, you should treat this algorithm change as a great challenge and prospect for your business promotion. Focus on implementing Automated Content Access Protocol, a unique and crucial tool that has the capacity to improve your relationship with search engines and provides the user a preview of your content that normally exists behind validation wall. Device an effective marketing strategy by putting yourself in user’s shoes and integrate User-Generated Contents to increase the probability of SEO keywords. A well-prepared Q & A session on your web-page will do the trick for you. You should plan an effective Social Media Strategy.
The leading search engine Google employs composite algorithms to give fresh, pertinent, and real-time results by searching out the world-wide-web containing explicit keywords the searcher inputs and assigns rank to each page according to many important factors; one aspect out of them could be the number of times a specific keyword appears on a page. As a result, higher ranked pages get their place on top of the search engine’s result page (SERP). That’s how the best links relating to user’s query are supposedly the first ones Google lists and it would undoubtedly be out of question that getting a top position in Google’s SERP guarantees considerable increase in online visitor’s traffic to your website. If you are in sales, this could be pivotal to get huge business opportunity.
Quite recently, Google has upgraded its search algorithm that looks for building on the Caffeine Web Indexing System since many of its users had turned towards other social networks like Facebook and Twitter to get fresh results because of experiencing Google’s outdated results.
The algorithm change will impact 35% of web searches and provide the fresh and most recent information depending upon user’s search requisitions. Google’s algorithm change is based on the mechanism of figuring out the age of information. For example, the most up-to-date information about the launch of a new software program by Microsoft could be a week’s time before or the breaking news about initiation of new technology in computer’s motherboard processor could be too old for a buyer on Google’s search engine. This change will not only provide timely information to potential customers but also help in preventing them from switching to other Social Media Competitors.
Being a Search Engine Optimizer, you should treat this algorithm change as a great challenge and prospect for your business promotion. Focus on implementing Automated Content Access Protocol, a unique and crucial tool that has the capacity to improve your relationship with search engines and provides the user a preview of your content that normally exists behind validation wall. Device an effective marketing strategy by putting yourself in user’s shoes and integrate User-Generated Contents to increase the probability of SEO keywords. A well-prepared Q & A session on your web-page will do the trick for you. You should plan an effective Social Media Strategy.
Xcel-Soft provides 100% fresh and unique contents for your website.For more information about fresh content, please visit us at